Privacy Policy
  • The Firm will comply with this Privacy Policy as well as laws and regulations concerning protection of personal information.
  • Compliance with laws and regulations

    The Firm will comply with laws concerning protection of personal information as well as other related laws providing how to treat personal information.
  • Obtaining and use of personal information

    The Firm may obtain and use the following kinds of personal information for the purposes set forth in " Purpose of Use of Personal Information".
    name, address, gender, date of birth, name of company or organization, telephone number and email address any other personal information required for the Firm's provision of services
  • Purpose of use of Personal Information

    The obtained personal information will be used for the following purposes. Unless the person who provides the personal information allows in advance, or unless law permits, the Firm will not use the personal information for any other purposes than the following purposes.
    • Legal practice of attorneys and practice of patent attorneys
    • Notice to persons who have passed the National Bar Examination
    • Notice to persons who seek employment by the Firm
    • Announcement of study meetings, seminars, publications of books etc.
    • Seasons greetings
    • Responding to various inquiries
    • Others related to the above purposes
    • Others necessary for the appropriate and smooth performance of law firm business
  • Storage of personal information

    The Firm will duly store the obtained personal information so that it is not divulged, accessed without authorization, falsified, or used without authorization. The Firm will not disclose the obtained information to third parties other than contractors without consent of the person who has provided the information.
  • Disclosure and correction of personal information

    We will appropriately attend the confirmation, disclosure and correction requested by the person who has provided the personal information, if the person addresses it to the contact person below.
  • Contact

    Attention: Personal Information Contact
    Address: Abe, Ikubo & Katayama
    GranTokyo South Tower, 1-9-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-6613, Japan
    Telephone: +81-3-5860-3640
  • Policy regarding Cookies

    The Firm's website makes use of cookies. Cookies are small text files in which random characters are included in place of personal information. When viewing the Firm's website, there will be exchanges of such files between the web server hosting the Firm's website and the Internet browser software used by the person viewing such website. Through this exchange such files will be stored on the viewer's device. Through the use of cookie information, more suitable services can be provided to viewers. Depending upon the configuration of a viewer's browser, a viewer may make such browser indicate in advance that a certain site makes use of cookies and/or may decline acceptance of cookies. Please note that if a viewer's browser is configured so as not to make use of cookies, the use of some features of the Firm's website may be limited.